ocr: THEGRIFICGIIONPTRAMD Avery smoll nunber toke the toprend advanced ekec tives. Instrodors leans a ot fromm woriing with this materiol 2 more Trequently. Al few students loke slandard clectives, less profitable, bel more rewarding to teoch. WKRS MaCM 03 MIPONA a 055 Host stodents take only tae most bosic courses. Ihe SYCX S50AN s instrectors teoching thom leare little repoatedly, trom VYOnT WYR bat they pay thel biis, WKOT A SRs MXe WYOAL CARS MrON a 330 WOM 3 630 was 3 a Figure 1: Teacbing the vigh-end clective cOM3O reqnires more time and effort than the basic untro dasses, but they caR be: mo ...